Monday 6 May 2013

How to be a savvy Spending - saving whilst spending

Saving money doesn't just stop from keeping small percentage of your monthly income in the bank however there are a fortune to be saved from the behavior of how we spend as well. Heck, instead of being a Heavy Spender why not become a Savvy Spender instead?

How to become a savvy spender

It’s not just a review of your finances that can save you money, there are other simple measures you can take to make your income stretch that little bit further.
You’ll feel a whole lot better about things when you become less dependent on your cash-hungry overdraft and credit cards.

De-clutter your home

Culturally coming towards the New Years/Festivities (like Christmas/ Chinese New Year) is typically a time to refurbish the homes of the coming festivals so why not have a full-clown clear-out of all the stuff you no longer use and have a garage sale or sell it on eBay.
It’s a winner on two fronts as your house will be less cluttered and your bank account will look a bit healthier into the bargain.

Try a home-made lunch

Carry a notebook with you for two weeks and write down everything you spend – you may be surprised how much cash you fritter away on coffees, sandwiches and that beer after work!
Simply by making your own packed lunch a couple of days each week rather than shelling out for expensive shop bought ­sandwiches can save about $60 a month.

Be a smart food shopper

Don’t impulse buy at the corner shop. Instead, plan your food shopping and go to the supermarket just once each week. Also, don’t forget to use your food in the freezer – too many people use it more as a store cupboard and forget what they’ve actually got in there.
In survey has it, that families of 4 can save between $30 to $85 per week by doing this – and threw half as much food in the bin.

Be more frugal with your energy use

Try and keep those energy bills down – don’t leave appliances on standby and turn the thermostat down one notch. Every degree lower you switch it down can save you a fortune of energy used.
Even simple electronic appliances, instead of leaving your Xbox/Television or PC on standby, take the effort to slip off the switch or some countries that doesnt have it is to unplug the main switch.
Check out more ways to reduce your energy spending and find out about insulation grants on the energy saving trust websites (

Find a cheaper energy provider

Gas and electricity prices are getting more expensive year by year, but the prices still vary quite a bit between the different providers.
You can still save more than $400 per year just by switching your gas and electricity company from your respective regions.
Visit trusted websites that does studies on energy usage from your respective regions gas & electricity company.

Communicating using the Post Paid Internet whenever possible

As long you have unlimited usage of fixed  monthly bill of internet, then you are Gold! Social Media Apps such as Skype & Facebook allows for free communications, why bother pay for phone-calls per minute or per SMS when you can do exactly the same for hours without worrying the phone bill clicking away.
This applies with modern day smart phones as well - when you just wanted to have casual chats why not find a Wifi hotspot and use their internet instead!
So take action go out there and be Savvy Spender and save a load of fortune! 

Want to save even more money? Why not go ahead and MAKE more money with as little as effort as Saving them! Click Here or the title below to learn from a Superhero of Making Money


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