Tuesday 14 May 2013

5 Free Babysitting Alternatives

5 Babysitting Alternatives - For Free!

You're a young couple with young kids, getting out of the house and enjoying a date together can really add up:
  • $35.00 for dinner
  • $25.00 for a movie and popcorn
  • $30 for babysitting
Sure some ways like reduce the cost of dining out by finding a cheaper establishment. You could even skip the movie and go for a walk instead. However, if you want to be able to get out of the house and fully enjoy the night you want, babysitting is a hard expense to avoid — with a little creativity you can save

1. Ask the Grandparents

Yes, this is an option that will only apply to a limited number of people who happen to be fortunate enough to live in the same town as their parents. But if you do live in the same town as your parents, then I'm betting your kids already enjoy every chance they have to spend time with grandma and grandpa, and affordable, reliable babysitting isn't really a problem for you.

2. Swap Babysitting With Another Couple

You may have close friends who have young children. And they may want to go out on dates as well, so agreeing to a biweekly babysitting swap with your friend is a good way to save from hiring a babysitter. Not only did you each get a date once a month, but your kids looked forward to date nights because they get to play with friends. When kids have the opportunity to play with other kids their age, they'll welcome the dates with as much anticipation as mom and dad.

3. Exchange Services

If you typically have a teenager babysit for you, it's possible that you could help them with something that they would consider more valuable than money. This could include something like tutoring them in school or coaching them in a sport.

4. Double Date With Other Parents

Typically most people think dating is about spending time together as a couple. However, if you're more in the mood for getting out of the house and doing something fun, then consider a double date with another couple that has kids. Kids occasionally entertain themselves on an outdoor activity & parents can hang out and enjoy adult conversation.

5. Friends/Relatives Who Don't Have (but Do Like) Kids

Often times people can be voluntary when it allows them to experience the warmth of being around cute children. Particularly when they haven't have or not fortunate to have children of their own. You may asked from them if they could babysit for you and chances are they are likely to agree for the chance to experience parenthood.
And there you have it! 5 alternatives to for you to go on a date without spending a single cents. So take action now and call up all those friends & family of yours!

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